This one quart bottle of Pool and Spa Stop Leak is an excellent product to repair minor water leaks in swimming pools, spas, fountains, and any other bodies of circulating water. It will even work in aboveground pools. However, if you have a known leak of any size, you should repair it accordingly with inground pool repair products or a vinyl match (for vinyl pools).
To apply Stop Leak to your pool or spa, remove filter grids or cartridges from filter. Then fill the pool or spa to the proper level. With pump operating, slowly add 16 ounces of Stop Leak to the skimmer or as close to main drain as possible. (Do not turn on heater or blower.) Refill pool or spa to proper level and let stand long enough to determine if leak has been stopped. Repeat if necessary.
Refer to product instructions on bottle and attached in Product Files.
Stop Leak can be effective when used in accordance with the instructions. It may be necessary to use Pool and Spa Stop Leak more than once depending on the size of the leak involved. For larger pools, it may be necessary to add more than one quart.
Active Ingredients in Stop Leak: Sodium Silicate.