The SpeedBlocks Starter Pack is a four-step easy process to immobilize a patient in a manner of minutes. The SpeedBlock Immobilizer Starter Pack includes one block set, one universal base, and one strap and pad replacement set. The unique multi-axis block system accommodates all head shapes and injury positions. It offers direct access to patient’s ears for better communication and inspeciton.
The reliable handle, locking mechanism with a quick release lock enables providers to lock patients securely into place, regardless of the head shape or position. The high-density polyethylene construction makes the reusable base and blocks resistant to punctures and tears while still being easy to clean and disinfect. Combined with disposable pads and straps for added comfort and ease of use, the Speedblocks Head Immobilizer ensures comfort for provider and user. One size fits patients from 2 year olds to adults with large ear holes to ensure visualization of the ears.