Lamotte’s Total Chlorine (TCI) Tracer PockeTester Kit includes a pH and ORP sensor as well as a carrying case. These Tracer PockeTesters have a memory that saves 15 results and this kit allows you to test three factors. TCI is measured from 0.00 to 9.99 ppm to 0.01 ppm resolution. The pH is measured from 0.00 to 14.00 with an accuracy of plus/minus 0.01. And ORP measures from -999 to 999 mV with an accuracy of plus/minus 4 mV. Designed for the pool professional, with interchangeable sensors, you can test these three factors quickly and accurately with this handheld meter.
To operate, simply turn it on and dip the end into your pool water. The tester’s probe is dipped into a sample of pool water and the results are ready instantly.
Meter accuracy verification should be performed on a periodic basis as needed.