This Wheel-a-Round Moveable Lifeguard Chair by Paragon has a seat height of 8 feet and provides the ideal solution for a lifeguard chair needed at different locations around your deck at different times. The chair can be easily moved by one person, yet it is both rugged and stable. The Wheel-a-Round lifeguard chairs feature a 360 degree swivel seat pedestal and wide access steps. The wide front ladder leads directly to the platform. And the supporting frame is constructed of T304 stainless steel with a wall thickness of .065 inches and polished to a 320 grit.
The heavy-duty 7 inch semi-pneumatic front wheels on the chair roll effortlessly over both decks and lawns. These moveable guard chairs are perfect for supervision, instruction and judging at the swimming pool. No diving from the chair should be allowed. The Paragon Wheel-a-Round guard chairs are also available in 6 or 4 foot models.