This is a 32 ounce bottle of eyewash solution which can be used in a portable eyewash station or with a first aid kit. The solution cleans the eyes and relieves irritation or burning by removing loose foreign materials. It is easy to use. You just flush out the affected area with a nozzle. This bottle is tamper-resistant to ensure sterility of the solution.
Lubricate and clean your eyes with First Aid Only eyewash solution consisting of an ophthalmic solution made of 98.3 percent purified water. It helps to clear eyes of foreign material such as dust, pollen, and chemicals, and to relieve itching and burning of the eyes and skin. It cleans the eye using an easy-to-use nozzle and comes with a tamper-evident seal and cap.
It can be used to refill your existing portable eyewash station. It can also be used with your first aid kits and in your office or warehouse as a stand-alone eye-cleaning solution.